Massok English Immersion School, Inc. is a 501 (C) (3) U.S. tax-exempt organization.Massok English Immersion School, Inc is a nonprofit organization created in Maryland with an objective to support our English Immersion Schools in Mali-West Africa. Our schools teach children by using a bilingual French/English curriculum. Our school is a secular school from preschool through high school. We want to instill the joy of learning in a safe and orderly bilingual environment. Our preschool through 9th grade classes are already opened in Titibougou-Bamako (Mali). We are planning to open our high school (Grade 10-12) soon.
We have clear goals and objectives. We would like to prepare our students to international World. We want to promote the diffusion of English language and culture in the context of American society in a manner that reflects the cultural diversity of the school. We also would like to qualify students for admission to colleges and universities in the United States and Europe by offering a curriculum including courses focusing on the English, French, and Americans' cultures. The school will be the first bilingual school in Mali in which students will be taught in both French and English. The school will also offer rich and diverse educational experiences for children in these grades. This project has three objectives:
Community: We are available to come to your group and schools to share the culture and Art of Mali as well as Timbuktu. It is the policy of Massok English Immersion School Inc. not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, or age in any employment practice, educational program, or any other program, activity, or service. |
Jeneba Camara - Treasurer - Massok English Immersion School - 240-550-4422